
Friday, May 30, 2014

The 7 key elements in graphic design

Lesson # 4: Elements of Graphic design

Lines can go in any direction , horizontal, vertical , diagonal , or curved, and they are the building blocks used in order to create shapes.


Shapes are created with a series of lines connecting with one another. However other shapes , like the circle and oval, can be created from one never ending line. 

Depending on the direction the line is going might represent a certain mood. For example vertical lines can represent balance. Horizontal lines could represent stability and diagonal lines could mean a rise/fall of something.


This helps determine how big or small an object is or should be.


The look and feel of an object


The number of ways our eyes can see a spectrum of light

How light or dark an image or object is 

Hey check out this cool lil video to the see the elements of design used in the real world!

Design Elements-By Mixmismo

Tip: The elements of graphic design deal with the physical form or foundation of your design.

Hw: Give me one example of each element of design. You may take photos yourself, find images on google, or draw examples yourself. E-mail your photos/images to by 6/6/14

That's it for this week's lesson  Remember to always leave questions , if you have any, and share this post with friends or other newbie graphic designers. Don't forget to subscribe by E-mail or follow this blog so you wont miss a single lesson! If you want to follow me outside of this blog then please add me on Google+, FacebookTwitter, and/or Tumblr.

Credits: All images found on google.
             Youtube video by Mixmismo

Friday, May 23, 2014

Caveman were the first graphic designers?!

Lesson #3

Yep that's right graphic design all started with the caveman. Sure it might sound weird but think about it for a sec. Back in ancient times caveman didn't know how to talk so how did they communicate? Simple, the only way they knew how by using pictures and symbols to get their message across. Fast forward to Egyptian times. They knew how to talk by now yet they were still using symbols to communicate..why? Well humans are visual creatures and also love to express themselves what better way to do that by using images. Now join me as I take you on a journey to discover the history of graphic design!

Lets start in 1436 where we meet a man named Johannes Gutenber , a German metal worker, who is the creator of the printing press, soon called Gutenber's press. After Gutenber printed out his first bible. Gutenber's press shot up to fame and soon printing presses were being setup all across Europe.

Then in the first 2 decades of the 19th century typography started to take off. One of the most important men in typography history was an american typeface designer named Morris Fuller Benton. He created 221 typefaces like hobo, Broadway, and bank Gothic just to name a few.

Another big player in the 19th century was a British publisher named William Morris. He helped to catapult graphic design by commercializing it and also publishing books with stylized illustrations and printings.

In 1950, after WW2, western countries had a renewed hunger for buying new products from companies. This in turn put logos and branding in high demand. Now we head to the late 1980s when computers became main stream. These machines made a graphic designer's job much more easier than before. Typography fonts were already pre-installed  and now designs could become digital! Shortly after, mass media started to spread across the globe connecting foreign countries together like never before. Graphic designers became high demand in print , advertising, and packaging fields. People from entertainment, print shops, and corporations  rushed to hire graphic designers to create movie posters, magazines, books, Ads, and more for their companies. 

Technology and mass media keeps evolving at alarming rates with the creation of smartphones, tablets, laptops ect and the world of graphic design will be right by its side helping businesses to brand and advertise their products in society for many more century's to come! Well i hope you enjoyed that quick journey back in time learning all about the history of graphic design. Here's a fun short video with a lil bit more info about the history of graphic design:

Timeline - History of graphic design - ANM 102 - by Rob Salazar

Fun Fact: The term "Graphic design" wasn't coined until the beginning of the 20th century where mediums like photography , printing, typing, and video-graphing started to take off. It was a man named William Addison who was the first person to coin the term "Graphic design". He used the term as a way to describe people who worked in print or book design.

Hw: Tell me 5 facts you learned about graphic design history. E-mail your answers to and put the subject line as "5 history facts, Your name" The Hw is due next Friday May 30th. For people who hand in Hw assignments gets to a chance to get any graphic design work featured on this blog. I will even give you feedback on your work if you want me too.

That's it for this week's lesson comment below telling me what you look forward to doing in the graphic design field. Remember to always leave questions , if you have any, and share this post with friends or other newbie graphic designers. Don't forget to subscribe by E-mail or follow this blog so you wont miss a single lesson! If you want to follow me outside of this blog then please add me on Google+, FacebookTwitter, and/or Tumblr

              Youtube video used-
              Pictures all found on Google
              Glow text from-

Friday, May 16, 2014

Graphic designers do WHAT?! again o.0

Lesson #2:

Well what do you think they do , sit around a computer screen all day? Oh...wait ...they do lol. But trust me it's more fun then you think and holds greater important in the world than any other type of "designer" out there. At least that's what I think anyway.

So what does a graphic designer do :
Graphic designers first and foremost are visual communicators. They take their clients problems and turn them into visual designs that helps to send a message to the client's target audience.(Def from:

Here's a fun little video I found explaining a little bit more on the topic. Enjoy!

Check back to lesson 1 to see some of the things graphic designers create.

Tip: Graphic designers create visual messages to help clients reach a target audience.

Hw: None this week, lucky!

That's it for this week's lesson comment below telling me what you look forward to doing in the graphic design field. Remember to always leave questions , if you have any, and share this post with friends or other newbie graphic designers. Don't forget to subscribe by E-mail or follow this blog so you wont miss a single lesson! If you want to follow me outside of this blog then please add me on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and/or Tumblr

Friday, May 9, 2014

Graphic design's meaning for noobs

Lesson 1 :

      Look around you , what do you see? Well i know that your're probably surrounded by graphic design as i write this. In fact you see graphic design maybe over 1,000 times a day 24/7 , excluding the time your sleeping but i digress. So if your're planning on becoming a graphic designer or just want to learn about the craft. Then you first MUST know the definition!

Graphic design is the creative process that combines art with technology to help communicate ideas.  

There you have it , you now know the meaning of graphic design and your're one step closer to becoming a proper graphic designer. I bet you thought it would be a long winded definition huh?  Well anyway , now that you know what graphic design is actually about . Let me tell you the most popular uses of graphic design. Graphic design is used for creating




Everyday Products

 the list goes on and on...and on. Graphic design is used for mostly everything we use in our everyday lives.

Tip: Graphic design is used to get people aware or to buy a product, service, event., or an idea. Graphic design's catch phrase is " Hey, look, check this out!"

Now at the end of each lesson I'll give you guys  a homework assignment. Don't worry it's optional if you don't want to participate that's fine. However I think it'll make this blog more fun interesting to read.. I'll give you 1 week to do each assignment, i'll try to keep them small projects, and at the end of that week. I will write a HW post where i critique some of the handed in projects. Now i wont give you a letter grade , unless you really want me too nor will i give any penalty for projects not turned in. Like i said before the HW is totally optional and there for anyone who wants to participate.  

HW #1: Find 1 example of graphic design being used either in real life or online.

How to hand in: E-mail your images to For the subject line put "Your name then the HW number". For example: "Sabrina Summers Hw #1" .

Now if you have any questions , big or small, please, please, please don't hesitate to comment below. I love answering questions and I'll try to answer your question to the best of my ability. Furthermore in order to keep up with the lessons please don't forget to subscribe by email. Also if you have any friends who would enjoy reading this blog then please share this post with all your friends on social media sites. Lastly if you want to keep up-to-date with what I'm doing then i encourage you to follow me on my social media sites. Starting with Google+ from there is a list of links to all my other social media sites. Well till next time....