
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Shapes are Sexy

Lesson #6: Using shapes in graphic design

Shapes aren't sexy because of their form , of course you can always make them look sexy like in the picture above, but how they're used in a design. You can use shapes to help drive a message or a mood. Here are just a few basic shapes and their meaning:


Represents: Unity, wholeness, and Infinity  

Represents: Things in 3s like "mind, body, and soul", "past, present, future", or " father, son, holy ghost". It's always good to use a triangle when your're trying to represent 3 different things.


Represents: Things that come in 4s like the four seasons of the year, fall, winter, spring, summer, or the four physical elements of the world , fire, water, air, and earth. A square represents tangible elements on earth.

These are just a few meanings of some basic shapes that you'll use in your ever day design work. I didn't go over all the basic shapes , because that would make this post to long haha. If you want to learn more about the meaning of shapes please check out the links below. When using shapes in your design work play around with them seeing what you make with them. In the link list below I'll include some cool tutorials on how to use shapes to build some awesome stuff . However right now it's Video time!!!! Here is an artist who uses basic shapes to create something really cool.

Speed Art "Shapes" by TacGFX

Reference article:
Youtube video:

Make a geometric pattern:

40 Shape tutorials using Illustrator:

Photoshop shape tutorials:

That's it for this week's lesson  Remember to always leave questions , if you have any, and share this post with friends or other newbie graphic designers. Don't forget to subscribe by E-mail or follow this blog so you wont miss a single lesson! If you want to follow me outside of this blog then please add me on Google+, FacebookTwitter, and/or Tumblr. If you guys have any design work that you would like me to critique or showcase on this blog than please E-mail me at Furthermore if you have any ideas or suggestions as to future blog posts than please comment below.  

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