
Thursday, June 5, 2014

6 Key principles of design

Lesson # 5


 Balance helps a design to look stable and in place


This helps to create a relationship between two or more objects in a design.Proximity also helps to determine the distance between objects.

Designers use alignment in order to make the text and pictures look nice, neat, and all lined up

Sometimes designers use repetition with text, images , or graphics to help tie the design together or they just want to repeat something over and over for the fun of it.


  When you put a dark color next to a light color your creating contrast. When you put big bulky font next to a slimmer text your creating contrast.

 Using space is wonderful in graphic design , why? because it helps the viewer to take in the message without getting overwhelmed. In graphic design the golden rule of "Less is more" holds true!

Video of the week:

Hw: Find one example of each principle in a magazine ad or on a product in a store. Take a picture of that example and E-mail the images to Your images must be E-mailed by June,13th,2014.

Images: all from google
That's it for this week's lesson  Remember to always leave questions , if you have any, and share this post with friends or other newbie graphic designers. Don't forget to subscribe by E-mail or follow this blog so you wont miss a single lesson! If you want to follow me outside of this blog then please add me on Google+, FacebookTwitter, and/or Tumblr.

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